Akshara Metals Private Limited has an exceptionally huge production and manufacturing house based in Visakhapatnam with our design process, production facility, new technologies, modern machineries and great designs to process its rough diamonds and facility to craft amazing diamond Jewelry according to your interests.
Diamond Manufacturing Equipment
S.No | Diamond Equipment and machinery |
1 | Rouah Sartn Ey.. Martdna |
2 | GalllXV machine + .AcceaorlN |
3 | Rouah Sarin- Capturing |
4 | Sarin Statlona- Plannlna |
5 | HD Polish Sarine |
6 | Helium Polish Machine |
7 | DiaScan Polish |
8 | Weiahlng scales |
9 | Brultng Machine (discron): Loc al |
10 | Boiling unit (Ice stones Ltd) |
11 | Laser machine- Local |
12 | La_, machlne-Quazer |
13 | 4P Machlne(Rounds)- ToD & Bottom Coning |
14 | Manual Conina |
15 | 4P Machine(Fancy) |
16 | 4P Machine • Fancy Blocking |
17 | MicroscoDe for QC |
18 | Heating Oven |
19 | Fixing station |
20 | De-Humld"llfier |
21 | Vacuum cleaner |
22 | Polishlng tangs |
23 | LOUDeS |
24 | Polishing tables |
25 | Bottom Dlalit- Blocking |
26 | Bottom Dlallt- Bottom |
27 | ToD Dlalit- Blocking |
28 | TOD Dlallt- Bezels |
29 | Dlaltt setting scnttHI + fixinq station |
30 | Table Diallt |
31 | scalves |
32 | Benches for dlallt |
33 | scalves- Dlallt |
34 | Sain/ Vault |
35 | Comguters |
36 | Tool kita. maintenance equipment |
37 | Dazar lamps |
38 | Barcode Scanners |
39 | Printers |
40 | Polishing steel stools |
41 | Chairs for production admln & general |
42 | Vernier calliper |
43 | Dial aauge -presidium |
44 | Sortoscopes |
45 | Drinking Water coolers(wlth R.O.) |
46 | Galvanizing unit |
47 | Refurbishing cost |
48 | DG Set (S00KVA) |
49 | IT Server |
50 | UPS(&KVA) |
51 | UPS(1KVA) |
52 | Transformer with substation |
53 | Air compressors |
54 | Others |
Melting Equipment
Buffing Machines
Laser Machines
Buffing Machines
CAM /CAD Stations
RPT Machines
Casting Machines
We offer a comprehensive range of polished diamonds to meet the needs of a diverse group of customers.
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